daniela marcelo | 28/12/2024 22:12
Me encantó! La presentación estuvo 10/10, se notaba el profesionalismo en cada uno de los artistas y amé la intensidad de sus bailes. También tuve la degustación de tapas, en general me gustó aunque podrían haber ciertas mejoras (aunque ya es por gustos personales). Definitivamente repetiría.
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I loved it! The presentation was 10/10, you could see the professionalism in each of the artists and I loved the intensity of their dances. I also had the tapas tasting, in general I liked it although there could be certain improvements (although it is due to personal taste). I would definitely repeat..

patria vizcaino | 02/01/2025 08:34
Este espectáculo tiene mucha pasion, intensidad y fuerza. Se sentía la pasión en los bailarines, los músicos y todo el ambiente. 5/5
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This show has a lot of passion, intensity and strength. You could feel the passion in the dancers, the musicians and the entire atmosphere. 5/5.

Syrus Pentecôte | 16/12/2024 22:24
We went to the second playing during the off-season and we were the only 2 people to show-up due to a group that cancelled at the last minute.
I don't know anything about flamenco but I know what it's like to perform on a stage and I have to say I'm thoroughly impressed by the professionalism of the dancers and musicians who gave their everything for a very small public.
Watching the artists enjoy themselves and give us all their energy was mesmerizing. I recommend the experience.
We only had drinks so we can't give an opinion on the food served..

Oriol R | 07/04/2024 20:30
Excellent show flamenco with delicious tapas dinner. I highly recommend it if you want to discover the dance. If you are an expert, maybe you want to go to another professional place..

gerardo Avila rendon | 29/05/2024 19:24
Da gusto que aún existan lugares como este. Que con mucho orgullo y profesionalismo siguen las tradiciones de sus antepasados ya que por desgracia a las nuevas generaciones ya no les importa mucho muy profesionales todos los cantantes los músicos y sobre todo los bailarines
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It's nice that places like this still exist. That with great pride and professionalism they follow the traditions of their ancestors since unfortunately the new generations no longer care much, all the singers, musicians and especially the dancers are very professional..

jairo SEO | 07/07/2024 20:02
Son amigables y apasionados y me encanta la forma en que se mueven.
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They are friendly and passionate and I love the way they move..

Gogy G | 26/10/2022 20:14
Su ubicación esta a orillas del río Guadalquivir. Es un lugar turístico a visitar y está cerca a la Plaza de toros y el puente Triana en Sevilla (Espana).
Este show se puede disfrutar incluyendo una cena o tapas a precios muy razonables El espectáculo dura más o menos hora y media.
El show de flamenco es especta cular, hay una vivra contagiante. Es arte, es pasión, es Sevilla desde sus entrañas.
(Translated by Google)
Its location is on the banks of the Guadalquivir River. It is a tourist place to visit and is close to the Bullring and the Triana Bridge in Seville (Spain).
This show can be enjoyed including dinner or tapas at very reasonable prices. The show lasts about an hour and a half.
The flamenco show is spectacular, there is a contagious liveliness. It is art, it is passion, it is Seville from its core..

Irina Nita | 20/12/2021 23:00
Amazing traditional flamenco show, great dancers and guitarists. If ever visiting Sevilla worth a visit for watching these amazing performers. For a 38 euro ticket you get a free drink, but you can choose more expensive tickets that offers free tapas or dinner..

Naim Erhan Özgüler | 21/06/2018 22:06
Please do not expect too much. If you want something to eat and watch regional flamenco at the same time, than its one of the most famous places to go. Food quality is fair. You can taste the ambiance of Andalucia. Also you can select to watch the show only, but the chairs are narrow and wooden only. Balcony is another choice..

Kahlo | 12/11/2024 19:55
Me ha encantado el espectáculo, los artistas dándolo todo como si no repitieran lo mismo cada día , da gusto ver este tipo de espectaculo,de visita por Sevilla.LO ÚNICO que cambiaría es que en los lateral tanta luz ,da la sensación de vacío y había gente.Unas cortinas darían más sensación de teatro y espectáculos además de dar la apariencia de más intimidad
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I loved the show, the artists giving their all as if they were not repeating the same thing every day, it is a pleasure to see this type of show, visiting Seville. THE ONLY THING I would change is that on the sides there is so much light, it gives the feeling of emptiness and There were people. Curtains would give more of a sense of theater and shows as well as giving the appearance of more privacy..